digest of 3.4

  1. rvalue references summary (50%) impl of std::forward, std::move 0.1.1 acquire & release semantics https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order https://www.modernescpp.com/index.php/acquire-release-semantic
  1. transaction isolation level (30% p1 done)

  2. time of distributed system: TSO from percolator; logical clock(0%) https://www.jianshu.com/p/8500882ab38c

  3. paxos(0%)

  4. raft questions and answers(50%, end of paper quiz) .

  5. design pattern of Buffer

  6. rpc summary: thrift and igs-server

  7. acqure and release semantics in std cpp(2%)

  8. why perf impacted when scand>0 in output of sar -B

  9. how to implement a aligned version of malloc: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38088732/explanation-to-aligned-malloc-implementation

  10. wal的savepoint干啥的 (90%) https://wanghenshui.github.io/2019/04/25/rocksdb-wal-term-point.html 10.1 writebatch格式 writebatch life cycle 10.2 InstrumentedMutex干啥的 10.3 pthread mutex vs. pthread mutex adaptive

  11. RocksDB 2020年特性跟进 - global bloom filter

  12. USE_SSE (90%) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52653025/why-is-march-native-used-so-rarely

  13. 1个writebatch的life cycle

  14. 读流程&写流程

  15. case fixing - db_wal_test (0%)

  16. case fixing - rocksdb lrucache handle bug(0%)