digest of 5.25


图数据库综述 RENZO ANGLES and CLAUDIO GUTIERREZ. Survey of graph database models[J]. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 40, No. 1, Article 1, Publication date: February 2008. about rocksdb’s BloomFilter: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/RocksDB-Bloom-Filter whole_key_filtering –> false的副作用 check usage:std::enable_if_t . std::decay_t check usage:folly::Future

next: executor & fiber concept https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1208028/significance-of-a-inl-file-in-c rocksdb’s eventlistener c++ virtual function recall: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2391679/why-do-we-need-virtual-functions-in-c c++ vtable impl. late binding pure virtual function virtual function design pattern: effective c++ 170page- non virtual interface(NVI) pattern, strategy pattern

std::move does not move things. recall> /////from comments in folly::MPMCQueue /// One of the common usages of this method is to enqueue via the /// move constructor, something like q.write(std::move(x)). If write /// returns false because the queue is full then x has not actually been /// consumed, which looks strange. To understand why it is actually okay /// to use x afterward, remember that std::move is just a typecast that /// provides an rvalue reference that enables use of a move constructor /// or operator. std::move doesn’t actually move anything. It could /// more accurately be called std::rvalue_cast or std::move_permission.

gflag使用 debug by systemtap: how to access user space global variables debug by gdb: oom问题,vmtouch。 如何run单机版本? 检查meta_server_addrs参数相关的代码,发现注释中说明了如果这个参数为“”,则说明为单机版。 类似以下,gflag指定下一个参数,可覆盖掉配置文件中的配置,如下则覆盖meta_server_addrs为‘’。 /data/weijian.yang/WORKSPACE/nebula-graph-output/bin/nebula-metad –flagfile /data/weijian.yang/WORKSPACE/nebula-graph-output/running_dir/service-meta/nebula-metad-0.conf –meta_server_addrs ''

roadmap: graphd —almost(60%) metad storaged

storage-perf: a perf tool for storage detail: folly::Baton StatusOr std::enable_if_t create space的PlanNode是什么类型的?盲猜PlanNode::Kind::kPassThrough createspace执行路径/数据视图 tag index fulltext index vertex edge folly::SharedMutex::WriteHolder check precompile header: from rocksdb/build_tools/build_detect_platform 640 $CXX $PLATFORM_CXXFLAGS $COMMON_FLAGS -x c++ - -o /dev/null 2>/dev/null «EOF 641 #include 642 int main() { 643 uint64_t a = 0xffffFFFFffffFFFF; 644 __uint128_t b = __uint128_t(a) * a; 645 a = static_cast<uint64_t>(b » 64); 646 (void)a; 647 } 648 EOF

 attribute ((format (printf, x, y))) inside a class https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11621043/how-should-i-properly-use-attribute-format-printf-x-y-inside-a-class

logging in nebula-graph parser: using flex and bison https://pandolia.net/tinyc/ch13_bison.html nGQL: data model concept: tag/edge


  1. SpaceId生成规则是什么?
  2. Space/Part/Zone/Group/etc…的逻辑关系是什么?
  3. CreateSpace的kv编码,Raft层的kv编码?
  4. RaftPart::appendLogAsync中的三种future有什么区别? switch (logType) { case LogType::ATOMIC_OP: retFuture = cachingPromise_.getSingleFuture(); break; case LogType::COMMAND: retFuture = cachingPromise_.getAndRollSharedFuture(); break; case LogType::NORMAL: retFuture = cachingPromise_.getSharedFuture(); break; }
  5. RaftPart::appendLogAsync的replicate日志无法并发or排队?(相关: check一下rocksdb的wal在并发时怎么处理的?write-pipeline/proxy batch) 658 if (replicatingLogs_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, true)) { 659 // We need to send logs to all followers 660 VLOG(2) « idStr_ « “Preparing to send AppendLog request”; 661 sendingPromise_ = std::move(cachingPromise_); 662 cachingPromise_.reset(); 663 std::swap(swappedOutLogs, logs_); 664 bufferOverFlow_ = false; 665 } else { 666 VLOG(2) « idStr_ 667 « “Another AppendLogs request is ongoing, just return”; 668 return retFuture; 669 }
  6. 静态哈希分片 970 StatusOr MetaClient::partId(int32_t numParts, const VertexID id) const { 971 // If the length of the id is 8, we will treat it as int64_t to be compatible 972 // with the version 1.0 973 uint64_t vid = 0; 974 if (id.size() == 8) { 975 memcpy(static_cast<void*>(&vid), id.data(), 8); 976 } else { 977 MurmurHash2 hash; 978 vid = hash(id.data()); 979 } 980 PartitionID pId = vid % numParts + 1; 981 CHECK_GT(pId, 0U); 982 return pId; 983 } 7. 几个语句执行[数据视图] create space basketballplayer(partition_num=10,replica_factor=1,vid_type=fixed_string(32)); create tag player(name string,age int); create tag team(name string); insert vertex player(name,age) values “player100”:(“Tim Duncan”, 42); 8. systemtap 打印context variable的内容 EXPR$ expands to a string with all of $EXPR’s members, equivalent to sprintf("{.a=%i, .b=%u, .c={…}, .d=[…]}”, $EXPR->a, $EXPR->b) $EXPR$$ expands to a string with all of $var’s members and submembers, equivalent to sprintf("{.a=%i, .b=%u, .c={.x=%p, .y=%c}, .d=[%i, …]}", $EXPR->a, $EXPR->b, $EXPR->c->x, $EXPR->c->y, $EXPR->d[0]) man stapprobes
  7. systemtap打印调用栈 print_ubacktrace + addr2line 可以定位到函数位置v http://baotiao.github.io/2017/06/14/systemtap-tips-and-example/ 通过sudo stap call_trace.stp | c++filt 将每次调用WriteToWAL函数的调用栈打印出来。这里如果编译rocksdb的时候采用demangle的方式,那么就不需要c++filt了, 否则会出现一些乱码,这里使用c++filt进行过滤。 https://blog.csdn.net/Z_Stand/article/details/108137659

[dev env] stap安装

  1. check your system lsb_release -a uname -r 2.prerequisites: kernel-debuginfo wget http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//vol/fedora_koji_archive04/packages/kernel/5.0.9/301.fc30/x86_64/kernel-debuginfo-5.0.9-301.fc30.x86_64.rpm wget https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//vol/fedora_koji_archive04/packages/kernel/5.0.9/301.fc30/x86_64/kernel-debuginfo-common-x86_64-5.0.9-301.fc30.x86_64.rpm
  2. run check: stap-prep
  3. run test: sudo stap -v -e ‘probe vfs.read {printf(“read performed\n”); exit()}’

rpm cheat-sheet

查询包:rpm -q 卸载包:rpm -e 安装包:rpm -ivh .rpm

[build nebula - cmake notes]

set(module_dir ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/modules/${module_NAME})
execute_process(COMMAND  ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} clone --single-branch --branch ${module_TAG} ${module_URL} 	${module_dir}  RESULT_VARIABLE fetch_status ERROR_VARIABLE ERROR_MESSAGE)

git subcommands: clone –single-branch –branch ${module_TAG} ${module_URL} ${module_dir} rev-parse –abbrev-ref HEAD remote set-branches origin –add config remote.origin.fetch fetch

build configs -fPIC abi

common *.thrift

third-party: download and run: vesoft-third-party-2.0-x86_64-libc-2.27-gcc-8.3.0-abi-11.sh (a tar archive included, “fbthrift1” executable is here.. )

summary: cmake will:

  1. git-clone nebula-* to local directories, i.e. modules/common, modules/storage
  2. thrift targets: *_thrift_generator from ../modules/common/cmake/ThriftGenerate.cmake